Mr. Abul Kashem Md. Shirin
Cell: 01711526885 Email: akmshirin@dutchbanglabank.comProfile : Abul Kashem Md. Shirin, graduated from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok on 16 Aug., 1991, is the Managing Director and CEO of Dutch-Bangla Bank.
He joined the Computer department of Bangladesh Sugar & Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC) after his return from AIT and wrote various computer programs for the organization. In Oct, 1994 he joined as head of Information Technology (IT) in the BASIC Bank, Dhaka. Meantime he completed his 2nd Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh.
In Jan, 2003, he joined Dutch-Bangla Bank in Dhaka as head of Information Technology (IT). He was promoted to the rank of Deputy Managing Director in 2007 and to the rank of Managing Director & CEO of the bank in 2016.
Considering his recognition towards society, the AIT Alumni Association Head Quarter (AITAA HQ) declared Mr. Shirin as “Distinguished Alumni for 2018”.

Engr. Md. Habibur Rahman, PEng. FIEB, CEng. MASCE.
Vice President-1
Cell: +8801712008322 Email: habibwdb@gmail.comProfile :
Designation with Name of the Organization:Deputy Team Leader (DTL), Disaster Risk Enhancement Project (DRMEP)- a JICA assisted project, Department of Disaster Management (DDM), Dhaka (2021 - to-date).
Education:- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (1983), BUET;
- Master of Engineering in Water Resources Development (M. Engg.) from AIT (1990).
- Registered Professional Engineer (PEng.), BPERB, Institution of Engineers (IEB), Dhaka
- Fellow, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (CEng, MASCE).
- 37 years of dedicated service in Bangladesh Water Development Board (1984-2021); retired as Additional Director General (Grade-2).
- Short-Term Consultant (STC) of the World Bank;
- Full time Consultant in a JICA assisted project from 2021.
- Life Member, BUET Alumni Association;
- AITAA Distinguished Alumni;
- Ex-Chairman, Civil Engineering Division, IEB, Dhaka;
- President, Bangladesh Water and Power Engineers Association, Bangladesh;
- Member, Board of Governors, Institute of Water and Flood Management (IWFM), BUET, Dhaka;
- Executive Member, Bangabandhu Parishad Central Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
USA, Australia, Japan and many of the African, European, Middle-East, ASEAN and SAARC Countries.

Dr. Md. Moqbul Hossain
Vice President-2
Cell: +01710287841 Email: moqbulh1@gmail.comProfile : Currently doing business. One of the Director of Pearl Consultant Ltd., an IT, GIS, Planning, Agriculture and Environment related consulting farm.

Dr Md. Abdur Razzaque Akanda
General Secretary
Cell: +01711570461 Email:razzaquebari@gmail.comProfile : Dr. Akanda was born in Sonatala Upazilla of Bogra district on 30 December, 1958. He completed his bachelor in Agricultural Engineering from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh in 1983. He joined as a scientific officer (Agricultural Engineering) at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) in April, 1984. He did his Master of Engineering from Water Engineering Program under the School of Civil Engineering, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand in 1996 with funding of Overseas Development Agency, UK. He developed a lot of improved efficient water management technologies for crop production like, drip fertigation, deficit irrigation, alternate furrow irrigation, conjunctive use of saline (medium) and fresh water in irrigation, sprinkler irrigation technology etc. which are being used at farmer,s level during dry season. He published 9 scientific research articles in International journals and 43 in reputed national journals. He wrote many manuscripts, booklet, manuals, book”s articles. He implemented at a lot of international collaborative research projects with IWMI, ICBA, DFID, EU, CIMMYT, SDC, IDA, WB and visited a lot of countries like, England, Germany, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Morocco, Kenia, UAE, Sri Lanka, Philippines, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malashia, Bhutan, KSA, Maldives for training, seminar, symposium, project meeting. Workshops, visit etc. He did his Ph.D from American University, California, USA under a collaborative research project of USAID and BARI in 2014. He supervised 4 masters students of BUET, BAU and Open University.
He retired after 34 years of service of BARI as a Chief Scientific Officer and Head of Irrigation and Water Management Division in January 1, 2018. After that he worked as water management consultant from time to time at WB, SDC, Practical action, Planning Commission. Presently he has been working as a program coordinator, Special CSR Program of Dutch Bangla Bank Limited since April, 2023. He is the life fellow of IEB and life members of BSAE, KIB, UKA ,BWP, AITAA etc. Now, he is living at Uttra Model Town of Dhaka city.

Prof. Dr. Parimal Kanti Biswas
Joint Secretary-1
Cell: +01552358082 Email:parimalbiswas@hotmail.comProfile : I am Professor Dr. Parimal Kanti Biswas born in 1958 in the village -Rasulpur, Upazila- Chandina, Dist.- Cumilla, Bangladesh from a respectable Hindu family. My father’s name was late Chinta Haran Biswas and mother’s name was late Luxmi Rani Biswas. I started my academic career with first division in secondary and higher secondary level from Cumilla Board, first class third position in B.Sc. Ag. (Hons.) and first class first position in M.Sc. (Ag.) from Agronomy department of Bangladesh Agricultural University. I completed my PhD in 2001 from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand in Agricultural Systems field of study under School of Environment Resources and Development (SERD) having CGPA 4.0 out of 4.0. The title of my PhD dissertation is “Tiller Dynamics and Yield of Parent and Clonal Plant of Transplanted Rice” (AIT Diss. no. AS-01-07). My residence of AIT was in 8A, Village – 1.
I started my career as a Scientific Officer (Agronomy) in the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Hathazari, Chattogram of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI). Then joined as an Assistant Professor in the Agronomy department of the then Bangladesh Agricultural Institute (BAI) presently Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) where now working as a Grade-1 Professor of the same department.
I served in SAU as a Dean, Post-graduate Studies, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Syndicate member of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University along with a number of different academic and administrative positions. I am an active member of Academic Council, Dean Executive Committee, and several other eminent positions of the University. I try to involve myself in various dignitary positions of Bangladesh Society of Agronomy; acting President of Weed Science Society of Bangladesh; Asian PGPR Society of Sustainable Agriculture; Executive Editor, Bangladesh Agronomy Journal; Editorial Board Member, Bangladesh Journal of Weed Science, Journal of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Journal of Agricultural Sciences etc.
I published 112 scientific papers in different international and national journals and author/translator of 5 Books. I am the inventor of ‘SAU Quinoa-1’, a promising super crop now disseminating throughout the World for its nutritional qualities. I supervised 14 PhD and 165 MS students and involving myself in Consultancy services with FAO and other international organizations. I participate in more than 55 TV talk shows in popular media and visited Greece, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, China, India and Nepal. I am happy with my beloved wife Alo Roy and two lovely daughters Dr. Pranita Biswas (Prima) and software Engineer Adrita Biswas (Pritha).

Dr. Ashraful Alam
Joint Secretary-2
Cell: +01712224479 Email:romana7994@gmail.comProfile : I did MSc. in Climate Change and Sustainable Development (2015-16) and PhD in Agricultural Systems (2018-22) from AIT, Thailand. I served the AIT Bangladesh Association at AIT as president during the August 2015 semester. Currently, I am working as a Senior Scientific Officer in Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur. My field of study in AIT including duration was ASE (2015-2022).

Mr. Abdur Rahman Bhuiyan
Cell: +01711938198 Email:abdurrahman1953@gmail.comProfile :
Date of birth: 01 April 1953, Place of birth: Cumilla District.
Graduated from BUET in 1977 in the department of WRE and joined BWDB in the same year.
Got M. Engineering,WRE from AIT in April 1982.
Worked in the Water Development Board (BWDB) and Institute of Water Modelling (IWM) from
1977 to 2010 at different positions.
Retired from the Government job as Additional Chief Engineer, BWDB in APril 2010. Then after
working as a freelense consultant with different consulting houses in Bangladesh, also working
as individual consultant as it fits.

Dr. Md. Golam Faruque
Cell: 01715126819 Email:gfaruque2000@gmail.comProfile : Dr. Md. Golam Faruque, Professor, Bangladesh Institute of Governance and Management (BIGM), former, Additional Secretary, Government of Bangladesh, a Bangladesh Civil Service (Administration) Cadre Officer, joined in the Civil Service in 1994. He obtained a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of Environmental Planning from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. He also holds a Master of Science in Regional and Rural Development Planning (MRRDP) from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand. Dr. Faruque served as Assistant Commissioner and Magistrate in Barisal and served in many government organizations such as BPATC, BCSAA, UNOs, Finance Division, KOICA, CEGIS, SREDA, BBA, Cabinet Division, BREB, and Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. He has received the AITAA Distinguished Alumni Award (DAA) 2020 from the Asian Institute of Technology Alumni Association (AITAA) for his remarkable contributions to the public sector. Dr. Faruque has also received training in Bangladesh and many other countries in abroad. During his tenure in the government, he has visited over 25 countries.

Tasnuva Ahmed
Cell: 01911310594 Email:tasnuva2000@gmail.comProfile : I have been in the market for about 18 years now from building my own business to marketing and sales. I have always been interested in the technology and innovation industry so became a partner at Astha IT as a Director, one of the leading customized software solution companies in the country. Joined as the Chief Operating Officer apart from being on the board of directors.
Recently, formed Cloud Convoy as its Co-Founder to develop the technology business in emerging markets and provide cloud services in the local market.
Alongside work, I prioritize training and mentoring female entrepreneurs and women in tech by facilitating training sessions, workshops, and incubation programs targeted towards any women who want to break the barrier.
Previously while working on the operational side of the broadcast media industry, I have promoted gender equality, women empowerment, and stop violence against women.
As an individual, it feels good that I am contributing to society through my work and also standing for the cause that I believe in.
Achieved an MBA degree from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand and an International Master in Marketing (double major) at Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración (EADA) in Barcelona, Spain.
I am the National Vice President at JCI Bangladesh. I have been actively involved in Junior Chamber International (JCI) for more than half a decade. It’s an International voluntary organization in more than 110 countries. Also, the founding President of JCI Dhaka Independent.
Got a chance to manage and work with a culturally diversified team of 54 nationalities which prevailed during the time after being elected as the President of the Student Union during my MBA in 2010.
My International exposure, experience, and capability to manage multicultural team has added value to the further development of the organization and business operations in Bangladesh.
Able to simultaneously work on various projects. Key strengths include PR, communication, and negotiation.

Md. Afzal Jamil
Cell: 01913931313 Email:afzaljamil@live.comProfile :Graduated from Khulna University in BSS in Economics (2008), MBA from AIT in 2012. Served Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, AIT Extension, Thailand prior to joining DDC. While studying at AIT, I served Student Union for 3 Semester (2 Semester as General Secretary of SU and 1 Semester as Chairperson of Campus and Environment Committee), AIT Bangladesh Association for 2 Semester and Muslim Student Association (MSA) at AIT for 2 Semester. Currently, working in DDC in the capacity of Assistant General Manager. In personal life, married and father of two kids (one son and one daughter).

Professor Dr. Md. Kamal Uddin
Cell: 01819117956 Email:pdrkamal@gamail.comProfile :Professor, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and Adjunct Professor, IBA, Dhaka University and East West University. Former Director (Head), Institute of Appropriate Technology, BUET.

Khandker Mesbah Uddin Ahmed
Cell: 01711594574 Email:mesbah@aquacon.com.bdProfile :Chairman cum Managing Director (MD), AQUA Consultant & Associates Ltd. (AQUA), BD

Emaduddin Ahmad
Cell: 01711531141 Email:emaduddin1947@gmail.comProfile : 53 years of professional experience in the field of Water Resources, Climate Change and Coastal Zone Management. Performed pioneering role in the institutionalization process of IWM. Was involved in the formulation of Flood Action Plan, Bangladesh Water & Flood Management Strategy, Bangladesh Water Policy, National Water Management Plan, Bangladesh Climate Change & Adaptation Strategy. Contributor to Drainage Master Plan for Dhaka City. Strategy for Drinking Water Supply to Dhaka city and other important towns spread all over the country, River Bank Erosion Management Policy. Coordinated and overseen major training and technology transfer programme in BWDB, IWM, WARPO, DWASA, DPHE, BMDA with funding from the WB, ADB, Danida, DFID, GoB and others. Was Project Director in large water resources development projects like Meghna Dhonogoda Irrigation project, Serajganj Integrated Rural development Project. Performed as Team Leader in various national projects like GWMP of DPHE, Technical Assistance Grant for an Early Warning Systems Study of ADB. Contributed as Member of Indo-Bangladesh Joint Rivers Commission.

Prof. Dr. Nazrul Islam
Cell: 01716370643 Email:nazrulku@gmail.comProfile : Nazrul Islam is a professor of Management and International Business. He is currently serving as the Pro-Vice Chancellor at Northern University Bangladesh. Prior to completing his PhD in International Business at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, he received his Bachelor’s (Honors) and Master’s degrees in Management from the University of Dhaka. He began his career in Academia in 1991 at Khulna University in the Discipline of Business Administration. In 2004, he joined BRAC University as an Associate Professor of Management, where he served as the coordinator of ‘Evening Programs’. In 2005, he joined North South University’s School of Business as an Associate Professor. Whilst, working at NSU he also served as an executive editor of ‘North South Business Review’ and worked as an Executive Secretary for the ‘South Asian Management Forum 2007’ jointly organized by North South University and Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA). In 2007, he joined East West University as a Professor, where he also served as a Dean of the Faculty of Business and Social Studies, Coordinator of MBA and EMBA programs, and the Chief Editor of the Journal of Business and Social Studies. Since 2008, Prof. Islam has served as a Business School Dean at various universities like East West University, Eastern University, and Canadian University of Bangladesh. Prof. Islam has supervised three M. Phil students and is currently supervising six PhD and four M.Phil students at Bangladesh University of Professionals.
Prof. Islam has published 71 research articles in international refereed journals that were abstracted and indexed by Scopus, ABDC, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, ESJI, Crossref and DOI. Prof. Islam has also published 38 research papers in local refereed journals and attended more than 20 International Conferences held in India, Nepal, Maldives, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, USA, and Australia. As a Panel Reviewer of South Asian Quality Assurance System (SAQS), Prof. Islam reviewed ‘ICFAI Business School’ and ‘N.L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research of India and Institute of Business Administration of University of Dhaka as a Peer Review Member for its accreditation. Presently, Prof. Islam is serving as an Editorial Board Member for a number of National and International Refereed Journals like International Journal of Management and Business, British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, etc. Prof. Islam has also worked as a Convener of the Organizing Committees of International Conferences organized by Department of Finance, University of Dhaka, Northern University Bangladesh and Southeast University in collaboration with AMDISA, Global Business and Management Forum (GBMF) and Techno India University of India. Prof. Islam authored and co-authored three books such as, (i) Entrepreneurship Development – An Operational Approach (In English), (ii) Modern Insurance (In Bengali) and (iii) Global Technological Change Impact on Textile and Garment Workers (In English). Dr. Islam supervised three MPhil and one PhD students of Bangladesh University of Professionals. Prof. Islam also examined more than fifteen PhD Dissertations of different public and private universities of Malaysia, India, Nepal and Bangladesh as an External Adjudicator. Prof. Islam achieved “Bangladesh Education Leadership Award 2017” and “Education Leadership Award 2018” in the category of ‘Best Professor in Business Administration’ by CMO Asia.

Mahbubur Rahman
Cell: 01819242378 Email:ddc.mahbub6064@gmail.comProfile : Managing Director, DDC (Development Design Consultants Ltd.) Graduated from BUET in Civil Engg. (1964), M.Engg. AIT (1978), Served in PWD till 1989 including overseas assignment on Deputation in the Min. of Works, Govt. of Nigeria.
Sl. No. | Position | Nos. |
1 | President,AITAA-Bangladesh | 1 |
2 | Vice President-1, AITAA-Bangladesh | 1 |
3 | Vice President-2, AITAA-Bangladesh | 1 |
4 | General Secretary, AITAA-Bangladesh | 1 |
5 | Joint Secretary-1, AITAA-Bangladesh | 1 |
6 | Joint Secretary-2, AITAA-Bangladesh | 1 |
7 | Treasurer, AITAA-Bangladesh | 1 |
8 | Member, AITAA-Bangladesh | 3 |
9 | Advisor, AITAA-Bangladesh | 5 |