Ms. Sanjida Showkat

United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
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Other Details
Membership No : 154
Date of Birth : 02/04/1993
Mobile Number : 01828730328
E-mail Address :
Present Address : Flat# 2A, Tower 71, Bhaban 2, Road# 307/1/B/3, Pirerbag, Mirpur, Dhaka
Permanent Address : Flat# 2A, Tower 71, Bhaban 2, Road# 307/1/B/3, Pirerbag, Mirpur, Dhaka
Education in AIT
Degree : Masters
Program : Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
Passing year : May-19
Occupation Type : Currently in Service
Current/Last Designation : Data Analysis and Mapping Officer
Current/Last Organization : United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)