Md. Abdulla Hel Kafi

Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), IWM BHABAN, House 06, Road 3C, Block H, Sector 15, Uttara, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh
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Other Details
Membership No : 207
Date of Birth : 12/10/1979
Mobile Number : 01915494677
E-mail Address :
Present Address : D7, bti Shopnochura, House 37, Road 2, Diabari, PS: Turag, Dhaka - 1230
Permanent Address : Shekovila, Malotinagar, Bogura - 5800
Education in AIT
Degree : Masters
Program : Water Engineering and Management (WEM)
Passing year : December/2013
Occupation Type : Currently in Service
Current/Last Designation : Head (Senior Specialist) in Research, Innovation and Development (RID) Unit
Current/Last Organization : Institute of Water Modelling (IWM), IWM BHABAN, House 06, Road 3C, Block H, Sector 15, Uttara, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh